Comprehensive Senior Caregiver Support that serves Families, Assisted Living Facilities, Home Health Agencies & Independent Living Facilities

From personalized assistance for families to streamlined services for facilities, our solution is designed to enhance the quality of senior living at every level.

What We Do for Families?

Appointment Management:

Appointments are added to the calendar and we send text message reminders to the family.

Medication Analysis:

Oversee prescriptions, and refills, and ensure proper medication use.

Virtual Care Advocacy:

We ensure comprehensive patient support and advocacy during medical consultations

Family-Centric Care Coordination:

Ensure all family members are kept informed & involved in care decisions

TimeWell Care:

Helps you gain back an average of 10-12 hours a month on caretaking

Comprehensive Healthcare Navigator:

Locate new primary care and specialty physicians in-network.

Insurance Handling:

We handle insurance matters, from claims to coverage inquiries.

Vitals Monitoring:

Keep track of important health metrics for timely interventions.

Clinically Backed Communication

Benefits for Independent Living Facilities

Resident Retention

By supporting residents in maintaining their autonomy, we help them stay content and independent longer, boosting your facility’s retention rates. Our care team focuses on their wellness so we keep them well longer.

Enhancing Facility Ratings

We keep families informed, promoting trust and satisfaction with your facility. Boosting
ratings. Higher resident satisfaction, improving the facility’s popularity

Prevention of Hospital Readmissions

Our frequent health check-ins can lead to early detection of issues, potentially reducing
hospitalizations. This not only improves the overall quality of life for residents but also helps in controlling healthcare costs.

Assisted Living Facilities

Our services can take over some routine tasks, allowing your health aid staff to focus on more critical care aspects, thereby improving job satisfaction.

We manage and oversee medication schedules, reducing the burden on your staff and minimizing the risk of errors.

Use our services as a marketing tool to appeal to families concerned about placing a loved one in assisted living, showcasing your commitment to thorough care.

Our involvement can lead to positive reviews and a better reputation, as we serve as an assurance to families that their loved ones are receiving attentive care.

Home Health Agencies

Our services support elderly patients in their homes, helping maintain the need for home health assistance and securing agency work.

Our virtual companionship during health appointments ensures all concerns are addressed, offering support to both patients and home health staff.

We organize and keep track of all medical appointments, lessening the administrative duties for home health caregivers.

Assist in creating tailored care strategies that align with the patient’s needs, enhancing the effectiveness of home health services.

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